PTE-A Macau Test Site | 澳門生產力暨科技轉移中心 Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Centre |
考試地點 | CPTTM Head Office Rua de Xangai 175, Edf. ACM., 7 andar Macau CPTTM 總辦事處 澳門新口岸上海街中華總商會大廈七樓 在地圖上查看考試位置 |
PTE-A 報名 或 查詢 | 請點此連結︰https://www.pearsonpte.com/ |
CPTTM 聯絡 | Professional Examination Resources Unit 專業考試資源中心 電郵:vqa@cpttm.org.mo 電話:(853)28781313 傳真:(853)28788233 |
Acceptable ID
PTE tests are taken in highly secure test centers, so it’s very important that we confirm the identity of all of our test takers.
When you arrive to take your test, you must provide an acceptable identification document (ID). In most cases, this ID will usually be your passport.
Exit-Entry Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macao is not an acceptable ID. 持内地居民往來港澳通行證不被允許參加考試。
澳門生產力暨科技轉移中心(CPTTM)僅作為PTE Academic在澳門之考試地點。所有考試註冊、確認及其它相關事宜均由Pearson VUE處理。本中心對以上事宜均不作任何郵件,電話通知及跟進。
進一步考試資訊請參閱Pearson PTE 網站 https://www.pearsonpte.com/