2021Brand Story—Macao Original Fashion Exhibition VIII
2021Brand Story—Macao Original Fashion Exhibition VIII
Fashion is a tribute to aesthetics and is also an artistic expression. Items of clothing are most likely to gain momentum in fashion trends. Fashion designers are pioneers shaping styles, who look for inspirations in the natural world and ingeniously combine inspirations and personal styles to give new meaning to fashion and offer avant-garde interpretations. The works are born from countless remodeling, full of silent bitterness. And the stories behind them attract fashion enthusiasts imperceptibly. …
“Wearable Intangible Cultural Heritage” Macao Creative Scarves and Neckties
In order to promote and support the Macao fashion and creative industry as well as to strengthen training given to Macao cultural creative people, CPTTM has organized a “Wearable Intangible Cultural Heritage – Macao Creative Scarves and Neckties Design Competition” for such purpose. Through digital printing technology, the winning entries will be made into scarves and neckties, exhibiting the charms of Macao’s cultural creative art and civilization to the public.
Mystic of Macao …
2021.10.29 “Frabric Trends Seminar 7:Application of plant dyeing frabic technology with zero-water drain” (Finished)
中心與廣州植德紡織科技有限公司合辦了“布料新趨勢7:零排水植物染色環保織品技術及應用線上講座”,由廣州植德紡織科技有限公司董事長邱義先生介紹零排水植物染色技術,以及當中的生產及應用價值。講座詳述植物染色紡織技術的原理,介紹染料與各種織布的特性及處理,還展示了多種布料、成衣及配飾染整工藝,實現時尚、環保安全和傳承的願景。參加者踴躍查詢,了解有關成品認證、應用及零售等資訊。 …
2021Brand Story—Macao Original Fashion Exhibition VII
2021Brand Story—Macao Original Fashion Exhibition VI
Fashion is a tribute to aesthetics and is also an artistic expression. Items of clothing are most likely to gain momentum in fashion trends. Fashion designers are pioneers shaping styles, who look for inspirations in the natural world and ingeniously combine inspirations and personal styles to give new meaning to fashion and offer avant-garde interpretations. The works are born from countless remodeling, full of silent bitterness. And the stories behind them attract fashion enthusiasts imperceptibly. …
2021Brand Story—Macao Original Fashion Exhibition VI
2021Brand Story—Macao Original Fashion Exhibition VI
Fashion is a tribute to aesthetics and is also an artistic expression. Items of clothing are most likely to gain momentum in fashion trends. Fashion designers are pioneers shaping styles, who look for inspirations in the natural world and ingeniously combine inspirations and personal styles to give new meaning to fashion and offer avant-garde interpretations. The works are born from countless remodeling, full of silent bitterness. And the stories behind them attract fashion enthusiasts imperceptibly. …
2021Brand Story—Macao Original Fashion Exhibition V
2021Brand Story—Macao Original Fashion Exhibition V
Fashion is a tribute to aesthetics and is also an artistic expression. Items of clothing are most likely to gain momentum in fashion trends. Fashion designers are pioneers shaping styles, who look for inspirations in the natural world and ingeniously combine inspirations and personal styles to give new meaning to fashion and offer avant-garde interpretations. The works are born from countless remodeling, full of silent bitterness. And the stories behind them attract fashion enthusiasts imperceptibly. …