
2022.07.27 Metaverse New Era-Development Trend and Application of Virtual Fashion

中心與(RE)CREATE市場策略顧問公司合辦了“元宇宙新時代:虛擬時尚發展趨勢及應用”線上講座,由(RE)CREATE市場策略顧問公司朱素誼小姐講解時尚行業在元宇宙中的發展及新趨勢,同時探討區塊鏈技術如何影響產業,並由XR Space艾克薩視界科技有限公司的陳安婕小姐分享個案經驗。參加者表示講座資訊內容非常豐富,有助讓業界人士及學員了解新興科技,從而提升產值及競爭力。  

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2022.07.27 “元宇宙新時代:虛擬時尚發展趨勢及應用”線上講座

中心與(RE)CREATE市場策略顧問公司合辦了“元宇宙新時代:虛擬時尚發展趨勢及應用”線上講座,由(RE)CREATE市場策略顧問公司朱素誼小姐講解時尚行業在元宇宙中的發展及新趨勢,同時探討區塊鏈技術如何影響產業,並由XR Space艾克薩視界科技有限公司的陳安婕小姐分享個案經驗。參加者表示講座資訊內容非常豐富,有助讓業界人士及學員了解新興科技,從而提升產值及競爭力。  

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Fashion · Fantasy – Greater Bay Area Fashion Exhibition

Fashion · Fantasy – Greater Bay Area Fashion Exhibition


Rapid advances in modern technology have enriched the material and cultural experience in all aspects of human life, and fashion is no exception. Thanks to the latest technologies, fabrics are constantly evolving. Creative exploration, research and development by designers have improved fabrics such as velvet, cotton, and linen to include functionality and technological elements, for example, nanofabrics. Such an advancement broadens the possibilities for design innovation and improves the quality of life and the wearing experience, taking fashion to an even higher level.  

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