
Spring Pop-up Shop 2016

Spring Pop-up Shop 2016

The brand activity “Pop-up Store” of Macao Fashion Gallery (MFG), which exhibits and sells original design fashions of local designers to enhance business opportunities for them, and provides more channels for the multi-faceted sales exhibitions of the local original design fashions. As spring is around the corner, MFG will organize the “Spring Pop-up Store” event again on the occasion when fashion trend followers, both men and women, would add some new classics to their wardrobes. Five brands will come to the event, including:  

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3D Flower Painting X Workshop on Floral Headdress Creation


由澳門文化局及澳門生產力暨科技轉移中心合辦、澳門時尚廊策劃的“立體繪花 ╳ 花藝製作頭飾工作坊”將於12月5日(星期六)舉行,工作坊會教授近年流行的3D列印技術,並與藝術布花結合成創新頭飾,課程內容豐富有趣,歡迎公眾及有興趣人士報名參加。


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Workshop on Making Unique Silver Jewels




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