
Timeless Elegance – Greater Bay Area Modern Chinese Cheongsam Exhibition

Timeless Elegance – Greater Bay Area Modern Chinese Cheongsam Exhibition


The cheongsam, a traditional Chinese women’s garment that came into vogue in the 1920s, has captured the hearts of women across generations as a graceful long dress. In the dynamic landscape of fashion, the attire has not only withstood the test of time for a century but also continuously evolved to incorporate innovation while preserving the essence of its tradition, catering to the ever-changing fashion trends and preferences of women throughout different eras. Over time, tailoring techniques have undergone transformations and upgrading so as to align with market trends and development.  

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“14th Macao Fashion Illustration Contest” Internet Popularity Award Voting / “14º Concurso de Ilustração de Moda de Macau” Prémio de Popularidade Online Votar

In order to promote fashion illustrations to the public, the “14th Macao Fashion Illustration Contest” hosted by the Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Center has specially set up the “Internet Popularity Award” so that the public can participate and vote for their favorite works.

The 47 shortlisted entries of this year’s contest have been publicly voted on for the “Internet Popularity Award” from August 14 to 18. For any inquiries, please contact Ms. Chan or Ms. Choi of the House of Apparel Technology at or 8898 0701.  

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Announcement of random selection for Back-Office Digital Support Services for SMEs 2023



中籤企業需於指定時間,派員出席企業數字化營運認知課程,抽籤結果及上課日期時間詳見附件,另外,對於需要補交資料的企業,請於8月15日23:59前透過線上系統補交,倘未能於限時內補交資料,將視為放棄申請。網址: ,如有任何疑問,歡迎致電8898 0899與生產力中心戴先生或譚先生聯絡。  

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The 14th Macao Fashion Illustration Contest-Shortlisted Entry Announcement / 14.º Concurso de Ilustração Artística de Moda de Macau-Anúncio dos Finalistas

The judging session of the “14th Macao Fashion Illustration Contest” was held at Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Center (CPTTM) – The House of Apparel Technology on August 1. In this year’s contest, 18 shortlisted entries from the student category, 18 shortlisted entries from the open category (Macao) and 11 shortlisted entries from the open category (Portuguese-speaking) were selected. In order to reflect the principles of “fairness, openness and impartiality”, the shortlisted entries will be in announcement for 5 days. A person who discovers plagiarism or multiple publication in any entry may report the entry in question by email and provide relevant materials prior to August 8, 2023. The Center will verify with the author and examine the qualification of the entry. Entries that have been announced and receive no objections will be formally shortlisted for the contest.  

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