中心與香港向榮布行有限公司合辦“布料新趨勢4:環保及功能布料應用” 線上講座,由香港向榮布行有限公司市場推廣經理連廣興先生擔任主講嘉賓,講解環保及可持續發展概念在布料技術的發展,以及介紹多種環保布料,包括97%再生資源製成的LYCRA T400 EcoMade、LYCRA EcoMade纖維,透氣乾爽,經認證產品可回收利用;具適應性、疏水性的UNIFI – REREVE,製成運動和時尚服裝的過程中可減少溫室氣體排放;還有低污染排放的黏膠纖維LENZING – EcoVero、BCI Better Cotton能夠减少用水和農藥,利於棉農及種植環境、以及天然抗菌、對地球極為友善的漢麻紡織品HEMP等布料。 …
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11th Macao Fashion Illustration Contest
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Diploma in Fashion Design & Manufacture (ATD167-04-2020-C) is now open for enrollment
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Remote working at home
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市面上有很多優秀遠端桌面連線軟件可讓大家選擇,生產力中心以老牌遠端連線軟件「 TeamViewer 」作為例子供各位參考,它可以為用戶提供遠端支援、遠端存取電腦、線上協同作業和會議等功能。該軟件可於網上免費下載,亦為企業提供企業付費方案,用戶可以透過該軟件輕鬆存取公司的電腦,相信是抗疫階段在家工作的一個優秀工具。 …
2020 Brand Story—Macao Original Fashion Exhibition I I
2020 Brand Story—Macao Original Fashion Exhibition II
In 2020, the Year of the Rat, everything begins anew and the 12-year cycle of the Chinese zodiac repeats itself endlessly like the fashion industry. Brimming with inspirations and with unique taste and creativity, trend-setting fashion designers constantly cultivate appreciation and new ideas about fashion to the public.
While people pursue exquisite works, how much do they know about the story behind? Stories are yet to be explored behind the fashion pieces. How do designers illustrate the story with their work? With the cloth as the story’s outline and ornaments as the context, they connect all the specifics with needles and threads. …