The students from the Bachelor of Fashion Design programme from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (University of Saint Joseph), in collaboration with the Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Center (CPTTM), will present selected collection works from the years 2020 and 2021 under the Theme – TRANSPARENCY, and the Theme CONNECTIONS, respectively.

Graduate Designer – Mona Vila Maior
The name of the collection is Hangover. This spring and summer collection is Demure, Youthful, and Indolent. Today’s youth wants to relax and have fun, especially during the weekends. They constantly await the weekend to get drunk and get a Hangover. The garments emphasize the weekend feeling on weekdays. This collection shows five garments, Monday to Friday to illustrate their weekly moods. The main colour of the palette is white, to show purity and cleanliness of the weekday feeling — hazy, casual and lazy; the dark colour is only used for embellishments.
Theme – TRANSPARENCY – 2020

Graduate Designer – Éffina do Rosário
The name of the collection is Xpose. The collection reflects empowerment, the identity of oneself, and energy. The central concept of this collection is the exposure of parts of the body that are seldom celebrated or praised, to bring light to those features and to realise that we as humans have to accept and Love our bodies, whether they be natural or unnatural. Each garment shows a gradual transformation and maturation, from inspiration gathered by individuals who are daring and eccentric to the realisation that one can achieve what one aspires to be. A dark-coloured palette represents the sleek, energetic journey of self-discovery, associated with mystery and power.
Theme – TRANSPARENCY – 2020

Graduate Designer – Micaela Ali
The name of the collection is Neo-Victorian, an Aesthetic Movement. This collection focuses on Desire, Power, and Disposition. The central concept of this collection is to relive history by observing antique dresses and reaffirming femininity and elegance. Transparency in this collection is seen as timeless — someone is peering inside of each one of us — transparency is a symbol of elegance and power. The colour palette is a contrast between red and black colours, with laser-cut patterns that bring a chic and elegant look to the garments.
Theme – TRANSPARENCY – 2020

Graduate Designer: Zoe Lei
Collection Name: Intimate Delivery – Invisible Love
People nowadays have difficulty expressing their real emotions, either to their boss, friends, or the one they love. What if the feeling is an object that everyone can see, no guessing, no misunderstanding, losing someone unique and essential in your life. The collection “Intimate Delivery” was, then, “born.” According to the Oxford dictionary, the word “Intimate” means being close to each other amicably and privately, while “Delivery” here is not only about conveying the message or delivering a parcel but more about the meanings behind, the feelings of the sender, the recipient, the transmitter and the item itself. In these five outfits, the neutral tones are the primary colours, as “love” doesn’t have to be red; the garments contain hidden antonym hearts attached on different parts on the blazers; pleats and gathers are used to create the movement of love and care.
Theme – CONNECTIONS – 2021

Graduate Designer: Alina Garcia
Collection Name: Nick & Jordan – Grab life by contrast
The concept of this collection is derived from the consequences of the 2019 pandemic situation with the theme “Connections” that can be physical or spiritual. This “connection” symbolises the bonding among people. It presents the current young generation’s lifestyle and attitudes, which represents the future of human communities. It is also symbolising the aesthetics of the youth power, energetic and fearless. It is a twist of “Retro-futurism”, how we are, and how we will be in the future. “Pair” is an essential element in this collection, and two complementary colours are chosen to show the contrast and the reflection of bonding between people. The screen-print technique is employed to convey the idea of the 1920s, art-deco patterns. Quality materials such as silk and merino wool are this high-end collect.
Theme – CONNECTIONS – 2021