“The 1st Macao Vocational English Contest” – Results

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經過評審團嚴謹、專業的評選後,得出大專組及公開組兩個組別的比賽結果。恭喜得獎隊伍! 稍後本中心會有專人聯絡各獲獎隊伍及參賽隊伍安排有關領獎及領取考試券等事項。  

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LCCI Diploma

LCCI Diploma fact file

An LCCI Diploma requires a combination of three qualifications at Level 3 (or Level 2 if applicable)

An LCCI Advanced Diploma requires a combination of four or more qualifications at Level 3 (or Level 2 if applicable)

The qualifying period for each Diploma/Advanced Diploma is 24 months

Diplomas and Advanced Diplomas are comprised of core units and optional units (where applicable)

Some of the Diploma combinations do not have optional units to choose from. In this instance, all core subjects should be completed in order to obtain the Diploma.  

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