The 42th WorldSkills Competition in 2013

The 42nd WorldSkills Competition was held in Leipzig, Germany from 26th June to 10th July 2013.  This competition is held biannually, attracting youth under aged 22 from all over the world to gather and compete under one roof.  Through these competitions, young people learn to exchange information on vocational training with people from every part of the world, promote better development of vocational training, and improve the level of skills of different disciplines of vocational training of the participating countries.  CPTTM is honored to be invited by Labor Affairs Bureau again to act as the training organization on Fashion Technology, and for the first time, Beauty Therapy and Visual Merchandizing categories of competition.  CPTTM’s role is to select, train, and lead the participants to compete in Leipzig.  

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Korea Macao Encounter Spring / Summer Fashion Exhibition

Korea Macao Encounter Spring / Summer Fashion Exhibition


A Korean rage has been sweeping through the globe in recent years. Korean fashion has especially taken up a prominent stage, becoming a key trend indicator for the Asia Pacific fashion market. Because of this, “Macao Fashion Galley” has decided to bring this groundbreaking “Korea Macao Encounter Spring/ Summer Fashion Exhibition” to the fashionistas of Macao. The latest 2013 fashion by young and trendy fashion designers from both Korea and Macao will be showcased during this event.  

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Workshop on Tie-dye


為配合正舉行的”苗服珍藏暨活化創意展”,《澳門時尚廊》於本週日(3月24日) 下午特舉行”紥染創意產品工作坊”,利用苗服的紥染布製作創意工藝品,發展設計多元化。 現代生活中紮染作為一種精巧的工藝,越來越受到國內外時裝界的垂青和熱捧,更被時裝界廣泛採用。

經過設計人員的巧妙構思,紥染的布料創作成為獨特且具民族特色之成品。在”紥染創意產品工作坊”中,參與人士就會利用已備的紥染布來製作與服飾有關的工藝品,例如小錢包、針包、小袋子等,讓藝術與生活共融,創作成獨一無二的配件。 工作坊於3月24日(星期日),下午2時30分至5時30分在位於聖祿杞街47號的澳門時尚廊舉行,如有查詢,歡迎致電2835 3341。   

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Heritage of Hmong and Revival of Their Creative Art Exhibition

Heritage of Hmong and Revival of Their Creative Art Exhibition


Hmong Tribe has a very long history and a very unique culture. Their fashion is an important manifestation of their culture. Hmong fashion is extremely rich in varieties, with over 100 types have being catalogued. The Hmong art is also breath taking, with “Hmong Embroidery” being listed into “The First Group of National Intangible Cultural Heritage” in 2006. When tribal art becomes the chic word of modern day fashion, the exquisite and distinctive Hmong tribal fashion has also become an inspiration for many contemporary fashion designers.  

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Seminar – Relationship between Fashion Design and 3D Cutting

Seminar – Relationship between Fashion Design and 3D Cutting

Fashion is the fastest change design industry, there has been growing inproduction technology. Through seminar, let designers to understand the relationship between today’s fashion design and draping.

Speaker: Dr Raymond Au


  • Theories of design concept to final prototyping
  • Relationship between Fashion Draping and Fashion concept

Date:30th November, 2012 (Friday)


Venue:CPTTM House of Apparel Technology (Rua dos pescadores, Ed. Industrial Ocean, II Fase, 10-Andar Macau)

Target: Local fashion design circle and interested parties  

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“3D Cube Play” Fashion Exhibition

“3D Cube Play” Fashion Exhibition


An ordinary piece of two- dimensional fabric, after going through the process of creative design, modification, and metamorphosis, can become a three- dimensional piece of art. This is exactly what this exhibition wishes to show, fashion and art can become one. Fashion can also be an object of art, giving visitors the double pleasure of enjoying a fashion show and an art exhibition at the same time.

Pieces on exhibition are showing that within a finite cube, with no limitation on use of fabric, under boundless creativity in design and craftsmanship, the resulting three- dimensional fashion of art can be so attractive and eye-opening.  

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Seminar – The Combination of Tradition and Fashion ─ The Influence of Chinese Classical Art on Modern Design


由澳門特別行政區政府文化局、澳門生產力暨科技轉移中心、澳門時尚廊聯合舉辦的 『傳統與時尚的結合─中國古典藝術對現代設計的影響』 將於9月26 日(星期三),下午7時在澳門生產力暨科技轉移中心成衣技術匯點舉行。


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Resurgence of the Qi Style Fashion Exhibition

Resurgence of the Qi Style Fashion Exhibition


As the first exhibition of <Macao Fashion Gallery>, we have invited well known fashion designers from Greater China to present their collections for the “Resurgence of the Qi Style” exhibition in Macao. They include winner of Top 10 Chinese Designer Award Mr Qu Tingnan (Guangdong Association of Garment and Garment Article Industry), renowned Taiwanese designer Miss Pun Dai Lee (Taiwan Weaving Fabric Designer Association), awards winning Hong Kong fashion designer Miss Janko Lam (Hong Kong Fashion Designers Association), and Macao’s own seasoned designer Miss Kitty Ng.  

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Workshop on Beaded


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