Sharing Session – Beyond the Ideal.Dream of Crossover Designer

Sharing Session – Beyond the Ideal.Dream of Crossover Designer

To broaden the international horizon of local fashion design talents in Macao, enable more people getting involved in the fashion industry and understanding the sweet and sour of establishing a fashion brand, encourage them to achieve success through boundless creativity and enthusiasm for fashion even if they are not fashion design graduates, the Macao Fashion Gallery (MFG) has specially invited Eugene Leung, founder of Australian fashion brand INJURY, to be the speaker of the sharing session. Eugene will share his story of becoming one of the hottest emerging fashion designers in Asia from an architecture graduate. He will also discuss the fashion trends with the participants, enabling the public to understand the opportunities and challenges that local and international creative talents facing, thus promoting the development of fashion industry.  

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Summer Pop-up Shop 2016

Summer Pop-up Shop 2016

With the purpose of promoting Macao Fashion Industry, Macao Fashion Gallery (MFG) continues to hold the brand activity “Pop-up Store” this year. During the designated period of time, we will exhibit and sell original local fashion designs, in order to help local designers to explore business opportunities and provide more sales channels for their products. The Summer Pop-up Store includes five local brands this time, namely:

“AURALO ARTE”, features a perfect combination of art and gorgeousness, designing trendy and unique clothes. Haute couture production methods have been employed in every detail. The colors of the couture show a beautiful evolution and illusion from black to multicolor, just like the aurora dancing beautifully in the dark night.  

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Hangzhou Intangible Cultural Heritage Conservation Project ‘Silk Painting’ Craft Exhibition – Silk Painting Art by Qiu Haisuo

Hangzhou Intangible Cultural Heritage Conservation Project ‘Silk Painting’ Craft Exhibition – Silk Painting Art by Qiu Haisuo


China boosts a time-honored history and a deep-rooted culture. The centuries old treasure, Hang Zhou silk enjoys an enormous reputation for its delicacy, preciousness, handiness and utility. The art of silk composes several categories, respectively spinning, embroidery, printing and painting. Among them, silk hand painting refers to a decorating craft that paints directly on silk, which is of the same origin as Chinese silk painting. This is a craft challenging designer’s sense of composition and technique with colors.  

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Workshop on “Silk Painting – An Art Heritage with A Millennium History”



是次工作坊為配合澳門時尚廊舉辦的“杭州非物質文化遺產保護項目《絲綢手繪》技藝展”而舉行。主講嘉賓中國美術學院(杭州)裘海索教授是杭州絲綢手繪非物質遺產保護專案負責人,並擔任浙江省民間美術家協會主席,在絲綢手繪技藝方面造詣精湛。裘教授將在工作坊介紹傳統絲綢手繪技藝,分享現代時裝與傳統絲綢手繪技藝的結合,並會現場示範這門巧奪天工的藝術,讓與會者有機會認識和鑑賞古今工藝結合的手繪絲綢,領略不一樣的生活美學。     工作坊將於二月二十日(星期六)下午三時在婆仔屋(澳門瘋堂斜巷 8 號)舉行,歡迎有興趣人士參加,名額有限,報名從速,費用為澳門幣130元,用作手繪絲綢體驗的材料費用。報名者可親臨澳門時尚廊(澳門聖祿杞街47號)或成衣技術匯點(澳門漁翁街海洋工業中心第二期十樓)填妥報名表及繳交費用。如有任何查詢,歡迎致電28353341或88980732與時尚廊職員聯繫。  

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Spring Pop-up Shop 2016

Spring Pop-up Shop 2016

The brand activity “Pop-up Store” of Macao Fashion Gallery (MFG), which exhibits and sells original design fashions of local designers to enhance business opportunities for them, and provides more channels for the multi-faceted sales exhibitions of the local original design fashions. As spring is around the corner, MFG will organize the “Spring Pop-up Store” event again on the occasion when fashion trend followers, both men and women, would add some new classics to their wardrobes. Five brands will come to the event, including:  

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3D Flower Painting X Workshop on Floral Headdress Creation


由澳門文化局及澳門生產力暨科技轉移中心合辦、澳門時尚廊策劃的“立體繪花 ╳ 花藝製作頭飾工作坊”將於12月5日(星期六)舉行,工作坊會教授近年流行的3D列印技術,並與藝術布花結合成創新頭飾,課程內容豐富有趣,歡迎公眾及有興趣人士報名參加。


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Workshop on Making Unique Silver Jewels




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