Style‧Encounter Moment – Fashion Exhibition of the 2013 Subsidy Programme for Fashion Design on Sample Making

Style‧Encounter Moment – Fashion Exhibition of the 2013 Subsidy Programme for Fashion Design on Sample Making


Co-organized by the Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macao S.A.R. Government (IC) and the Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Center (CPTTM),“Style‧Encounter Moment”— Fashion Exhibition of the 2013 Subsidy Programme for Fashion Design on Sample Making is the final exhibition of the Macao Fashion Gallery in 2014. The exhibition will demonstrate the achievement of the 2013 Subsidy Programme for Fashion Design on Sample Making, revealing the creativity and strength of the current fashion design industry in Macao.  

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Winter Pop-up Shop 2014

Winter Pop up Shop 2014

To further develop the fashion design industry in Macao and, Macao Fashion Gallery sets up a pop up store for a limited period to sell local designs over the summer in 2014. Its aim is to open up commercial opportunities for local fashion designers and different distribution channels for their original designs. This time around, the pop up store is adopting the theme of autumn and winter with four local brands participating.

The brand “Anonymous”, its design being simple and neat, is determined in maintaining and balancing great quality in every details on their designs. The brand sells a low-profile, energetic, strong yet sweet femininity; this unique beautifulness is like a little wandering around the city.  

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Workshop on“Digital Fabric Hair Accessories”




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Paintings on Silk – Exhibition on Macao Fashionable Scarves Design

Paintings on Silk – Exhibition on Macao Fashionable Scarves Design


From the evolution of traditional garments to the cultural intersection of international fashions, Macao Fashion Gallery has been encouraging fashionable creativity, the development of local cultural industries, and more young people to pursue relevant careers. Paintings on Silk – Exhibition on Macao Fashionable Scarves Design is the collective works of between Macao well-known artists and young designers, with the aim to demonstrate to the audience the charisma of art appreciation from the perspective of fashion.  

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Workshop on Creative Ring




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Summer Pop-up Shop 2014

Summer Pop-up Shop 2014

To further develop the fashion design industry in Macao and, Macao Fashion Gallery sets up a pop up store for a limited period to sell local designs over the summer in 2014. Its aim is to open up commercial opportunities for local fashion designers and different distribution channels for their original designs. On this occasion, the summer pop up store, adopting the theme of summer, has five local brands participating.

The brand ‘DARE TO DREAM’, fittingly, is renowned for its creative and characteristic casual fashion, using handpicked fabrics and stitches as well as practicing unique dyeing and washing techniques in garment manufacturing. The women’s lines under this brand are characterized with romantic, cute, trendy, cool and adventurous themes.  

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Exhibition on Classic Sewing Machines

Exhibition on Classic Sewing Machines


Sewing machines, nicknamed in Cantonese and transliterated as ‘clothes vehicles’, were recognized as a household necessity in the 1960’s when the society was relatively simple and less affluent. Many housewives then chose to make clothes with ‘clothes vehicles’ for their husbands and dresses for their daughters. Their remarkable skills have added on the clothes a touch of homey happiness. As the textile and clothing industry in Macao was expanding in the 1980’s, sewing machines became tools of the trade and brought considerable business opportunities to the city. Its people were able to improve their living standards and the society was developed rapidly. Sewing machines have witnessed the changes of the society over the decades, and become part of the collective memory of the Macao people.  

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Workshop on Chinese Button



「廣繡展」現正於“澳門時尚廊”舉行。為配合是次展覽主題,特舉辦    “中國鈕結工作坊”,由資深手藝設計師潘月玲老師,教授製作鈕結飾物,她   教學經驗豐富,這次工作坊除了可近距離欣賞其靈巧手藝之外,更可學習製作  基本的鈕結配飾。  

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Canton Embroidery Exhibition

Canton Embroidery Exhibition


Cantonese embroidery, including Canton embroidery and Chaozhou embroidery, is one of four most well-known embroideries in China, as well as part of the national intangible cultural heritage. Canton embroidery is typically colourful, decorative and of sharp contrast, made with multiple embroidery techniques. Long-standing and well-established, it is sewn so neatly and the patterns are arranged in such a genius way that the embroidery is of high aesthetic value. At this rejuvenating spring, the Macau Fashion Gallery presents the Canton Embroidery Exhibition, providing the local fashion industry and the art-lovers an opportunity to witness the spectacle of this national art of southern China.  

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Spring Pop-up Shop 2014

Spring Pop-up Shop 2014

Macao Fashion Gallery, with the aim to promote the fashion industry in Macau, hold on “Pop up shop”of local fashion brands to 2014. Its aim is to open up commercial opportunities for local fashion designers and different distribution channels for their original designs.

The brand Worker Playground was established in 2012, inspired by the Macao Worker Playground. The playground provided the public with an open space for sport, as well as a large-scale event venue. Hence, it was well-loved by the locals and is now part of the collective memory of the people in Macao.  

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