Category: CFI Seminars/Workshops/Investigation group
2022.07.27 Metaverse New Era-Development Trend and Application of Virtual Fashion
中心與(RE)CREATE市場策略顧問公司合辦了“元宇宙新時代:虛擬時尚發展趨勢及應用”線上講座,由(RE)CREATE市場策略顧問公司朱素誼小姐講解時尚行業在元宇宙中的發展及新趨勢,同時探討區塊鏈技術如何影響產業,並由XR Space艾克薩視界科技有限公司的陳安婕小姐分享個案經驗。參加者表示講座資訊內容非常豐富,有助讓業界人士及學員了解新興科技,從而提升產值及競爭力。 …
2022.07.26 Online Demonstration and Application on Digital Fabric Printing
Registration has closed
1.Webinar will be conducted using the Zoom
(Participants need to download Zoom on their computer/mobile phone)
2.Participants will be notified of their Zoom meeting ID and password by email 1 day before the class starts
2022.04.13 Webinar on 3D Virtual Fashion Technology(Finished)
With the global trend of digitalization, the marriage of technology and fashion brings forth new development opportunities for the industry. From online fashion releases to virtual fashion shows, many fashion brands are now using virtual technology and cross-media integration to assimilate technology hotspots into their products, helping to create widespread delivery of their brand values to the view of global audience.
To entice Macao creative fashion industry to use such technology, CPTTM hosted a webinar on “3D Fashion Design: Application and Trend of Virtual Fashion Technology” on 13th April 2022. Representative from CLO Virtual fashion HK Limited was invited as speaker to talk about market values and advantages bring forth by virtual fashion technology. Speaker also talked about key points in creating virtual fashion show, using CLO 3D fashion design software to demonstrate fashion design, enabling participants to grasp the constructive concept of these related technology. …
2021.10.29 “Frabric Trends Seminar 7:Application of plant dyeing frabic technology with zero-water drain” (Finished)
中心與廣州植德紡織科技有限公司合辦了“布料新趨勢7:零排水植物染色環保織品技術及應用線上講座”,由廣州植德紡織科技有限公司董事長邱義先生介紹零排水植物染色技術,以及當中的生產及應用價值。講座詳述植物染色紡織技術的原理,介紹染料與各種織布的特性及處理,還展示了多種布料、成衣及配飾染整工藝,實現時尚、環保安全和傳承的願景。參加者踴躍查詢,了解有關成品認證、應用及零售等資訊。 …
2021.05.21 Technology empowers industry! Nano-silver technology application of optimizing fashion and tourism environment(Finished)
雷震表示,納米銀材料具高導電、高透光率及耐折的特性,發展前景相當廣闊,市場價值可達千億元。該材料可製成發光的薄膜、路牌,甚至薄如紙張的衣服,也可製成跟隨音樂節奏律動的卡通圖案等,適合在本澳舉行大型活動時用作宣傳及裝飾工具。 …
2020.08.06 Webinar on The Latest Trends and Application of CLO 3D Garment Technology(Finished)
中心與CLO Virtual Fashion HK Ltd.合辦的 “3D服裝設計:CLO應用及發展趨勢”線上講座順利完成。
是次講座由CLO Virtual Fashion HK Ltd.的代表業務發展經理楊程晴、3D服裝設計師及導師葉子俊分別講解,向本澳業界介紹CLO 3D服裝設計軟件的模擬技術、發展趨勢和應用。現時3D服裝設計軟件日漸成熟,可製作的產品範圍涵蓋廣,無論產品的細節及選用物料,甚至效果呈現都能利用3D影像及設計工具,透過強大的即時預視功能模擬創建,能有效縮短生產過程,提高工作效率,和減少製作過程中的浪費。 …
2020.07.03 Seminar on Fashion Snoops -Fashion Trends S/S 2021(Finished)
中心與Fashion Snoops合辦了“Fashion Snoops – 2020春夏時尚趨勢預測講座”線上講座,為業內人士提供時尚趨勢預測,為設計和品牌發展做好貼近市場的前期規劃。
講座由Fashion Snoops亞太區銷售及市場代表廖志偉先生擔任主講嘉賓,他預測了來年春夏時尚趨勢,包括疫情對全球時尚的影響。疫情令人們更著重身心健康,需要更多的療癒感和舒適感,因此翌年的春夏將流行溫暖感覺,如乾燥及林地色系,隱含著信任、循環再生的概念;同時帶有樂觀主義的生動強烈混合色彩也將是一趨勢。而在銷售策略方面,會更著重消費者的真正需求。 …