Due to the typhoon, CPTTM will be closed. All courses, examinations and activities scheduled to be held will be canceled. Rescheduled classes will be notified separately. For public examinations, please refer to the CPTTM website.
Author: cpttm
Notice: Due to the typhoon, the center will be closed (Sep 1st)
Due to the typhoon, CPTTM will be closed (Sep 1st). All courses, examinations and activities scheduled to be held will be canceled. Rescheduled classes will be notified separately. For public examinations, please refer to the CPTTM website.
Announcement of random selection for Back-Office Digital Support Services for SMEs 2023
中籤企業需於指定時間,派員出席企業數字化營運認知課程,抽籤結果及上課日期時間詳見附件,另外,對於需要補交資料的企業,請於8月15日23:59前透過線上系統補交,倘未能於限時內補交資料,將視為放棄申請。網址:https://sme-digital.cpttm.org.mo/ ,如有任何疑問,歡迎致電8898 0899與生產力中心戴先生或譚先生聯絡。 …
Notice from Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Center
Due to the typhoon, the center will be closed (17th). All courses, examinations and activities scheduled to be held will be canceled. Rescheduled classes will be notified separately. For public examinations, please refer to the Productivity Center website (www.cpttm.org.mo)
Medida actualizada sobre a entrada em Macau através dos postos fronteiriços entre Zhuhai-Macau (19/09/2022)
O grupo de Macau do Mecanismo de prevenção e controlo conjunto Zhuhai-Macau foi notificado pela parte de Zhuhai do seguinte:
Conforme a situação epidémica actual, após o consenso obtido através do mecanismo de prevenção e controlo conjunto Zhuhai-Macau, avisa-se por este meio que a partir das 06h00 do dia 19 de Setembro de 2022, as pessoas que entram em Zhuhai através dos postos fronteiriços Zhuhai-Macau necessitam de apresentar o certificado de teste de ácido nucleico com resultado negativo, realizado nas últimas 48 horas. Mantêm-se as outras medidas vigentes de prevenção e controlo da epidemia nos postos fronteiriços Zhuhai-Macau. …