Paintings on Silk – Exhibition on Macao Fashionable Scarves Design
From the evolution of traditional garments to the cultural intersection of international fashions, Macao Fashion Gallery has been encouraging fashionable creativity, the development of local cultural industries, and more young people to pursue relevant careers. Paintings on Silk – Exhibition on Macao Fashionable Scarves Design is the collective works of between Macao well-known artists and young designers, with the aim to demonstrate to the audience the charisma of art appreciation from the perspective of fashion.
Paintings on Silk – Exhibition on Macao Fashionable Scarves Design has acquired four masterpieces from Macao famous artists Mr. Lai Ieng and Mr. Chan Kai Chon. With the efforts from four young designers, namely Esther Leong, Maecenas Ng, Jane Chan and San Lee, , utilizing digital process for redesigning, the familiar scenes of Macao in the masterpieces, including the Ruins of St. Paul’s, Lou Lim Ieoc Garden, Travessa da Paixão and Sai Van, have been transformed into scarf designs. While their skillful techniques and essential spirits have been kept, the designers’ sense of fashion and their taste have blended art into life and into fashionable products.
The two local artists have different painting styles; each has its own merits. Under their brushes, the characteristics and the sensations of Macao have been vividly depicted. Meanwhile, four young designers have creatively utilized effects like nostalgia, overlay, combination,symmetry and silhouette to make changes to the original masterpieces; with these novel ideas, sixteen unique and beautiful scarves have been designed.
This exhibition, co-organized by the Cultural Institute of the Macao S.A.R. Government and the Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Center, with strong support from the Macao Chinese Culture and Art Association, has perfectly united fashion, art and creativity.
Macao Fashion Gallery
Exhibition Date: 31/7-5-10/2014
Opening hours: 10am – 8pm (closed on Mondays, open on public holidays)
Venue: Rua de S. Roque, No. 47, Macao
Enquiries: (853) 2835 3341 (during office hours)
Website: www.macaofashiongallery.com
Free admission