陳绰盈 Doris Kath Chan
DORISKATH 品牌創始人兼創意設計總監陳绰盈女士 (Doris Kath Chan) 畢業于中央聖馬丁藝術與設計學院 (Central Saint Martins),更身兼香港貿易發展局服裝諮委員會成員,並且為時裝設計師協會會員。
DORISKATH’s Creative Director Doris Kath Chan is a talented designer who holds the degree of BA (Hons) Fashion Design Womenswear from Central Saint Martins College of Arts and Design in London. Doris is an important member to the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) Garment Division; and member of Hong Kong Fashion Design Association (HKFDA).
DORISKATH 品牌成立於2014年,品牌以“一衣多穿,一裙多著”為概念設計,今年更推廣環保元素,為時裝行業的可持續發展貢獻。
In 2014, “DORISKATH” was founded by a local designer in Hong Kong. The fundamental concept is “One Item, Multiple Styles”, the same item can be presented in numerous ways.


陳绰盈 Doris Kath Chan


李惠晶 Ella Lei
生於80後,畢業於澳門理工大學藝術院校設計學系,主修多媒體設計。對插畫尤其熱愛;隨後修讀時裝設計課程,並參與各類時裝活動。曾到香港著名時裝設計師鄭兆良 (Barney Cheng) 工作室實習。目標將插畫與時裝融合發展,於2015年創立了個人時裝品牌『ella épeler』。
Born in the 80s, Ella graduated from The School of Art, Macao Polytechnic Institute, majoring in multimedia design. Ella was especially interested in creating illustrations, She later studied in a fashion design program and participated in various fashion events. In 2015, Ella established her personal fashion brand “ella épeler.
品牌宗旨『Bring Your Attitude To Life』,嘗試作多方面的實驗,透過不受規限的剪裁與將各種不同的元素拼合運用,以自創的插畫圖案、藝術、等等融入到時裝裡面,為服裝帶出更多的趣味與選擇,展現出時尚的多樣性和獨特性,目標令每件單品都能成為衣櫃中的珍寶。
The brand’s mission is to “Bring your Attitude to Life”. The designer tries various forms of experimentation by combining unrestricted ways of cutting with a wide multitude of design elements while fusing her own illustrations of patterns and art into fashion. Her goal is to make every fashion item a gem in the wardrobe by creating an assortment of fun and choices, exhibiting diversity and uniqueness in each fashion item.

ella épeler

李惠晶 Ella Lei


黃思穎Ophelia Vong

杜慧賢Venus Tou

黃思穎、杜慧賢Ophelia Vong & Venus Tou
NO.42 由兩位性格與設計風格都截然不同的設計師:黃思穎 (Ophelia Vong)和杜慧賢 (Venus Tou)共同創立。兩種極端風格的碰撞,前者優雅細膩,後者叛逆性感,卻能混合與搭配出不一樣的時尚火花,形成品牌獨特的魅力。 她們不約而同的報讀了台灣實踐大學,在學期間亦曾參與各類時裝展及設計展,回澳後於2019年成立工作室,延續大家對時裝的興趣和熱愛。
NO.42 was founded by two designers with totally opposite personalities and styles: Ophelia Vong and Venus Tou. The style of former is elegant and exquisite, while the latter is rebellious and sexy. By the collision of these two extreme styles mix and match together, to form the unique charm of the brand. They applied to Shih Chien University, Taiwan by chance. During their study, they also participated in various fashion show and design exhibitions. After returning to Macau, they opened a studio in 2019 to continue their interest and enthusiasm for fashion.
NO.42 為澳門時裝設計品牌,“縱情任意不受拘束,活出自己的生活態度”是品牌宗旨。設計師認為每個人都有“多重人格”,服裝就是能訴說出自己的想法與情感的一種媒介。品牌的設計使用不對稱的剪裁結合不同質感的物料,創造相互交織的紋路,利用細節美感的協調為服裝帶來各種面貌;同時透過服裝單品的相互配搭,強調造型百變及風格隨性的自由生活態度,把時尚伸展台帶到穿衣者每天的生活中。
NO.42 is a Macau local fashion brand that values ‘freedom from restraints and life with an attitude’. Its designers believe everyone has ‘multiple personalities” and that cloths are media in which one’s ideas and feelings can be expressed. Different clothing items can match to make a variety of styles that reflect the attitude of liberty. That is how fashion is brought beyond the stage into the daily life of the wearer. In addition to occasional launches of different collections, NO.42 also provides customization and styling services for customers of all kinds.


黃思穎、杜慧賢Ophelia Vong & Venus Tou


設計師墨話 / 候曉琳畢業於中國醫科名校,長期海外居住史讓她擅長運用西方精粹元素與東方傳統文化揉合創作,堅持原創,以衣為載體,用中國非遺手工藝:刺繡、植物染和手繪來傳承民族符號,探求時代趨勢,詮釋“穿在身上的文化故事”,用行動踐行文化自信,講好中國故事。
Mohua /Hou Xiaolin graduated from a prestigious medical school in China. She lived a long time overseas, giving her the ability to create designs that combine the essence of western civilization with traditional eastern culture. Mohua insists on creating original designs. Using clothing as carrier and Chinese intangible cultural heritage crafts, such as embroidery, plant dyeing, and hand painting, as tools, she explores the trends of the times and presents her “wearable cultural stories”. She uses her actions to manifest her cultural confidence, telling her good Chinese stories.
“MOHUA” is a brand message that commemorates a tragic love story that happened in the Huawei office in Mexico. The brand was selected to be part of the “Belt and Road Initiative” global tour that commemorated the Chinese 70th anniversary. It has also received multiple “Intangible Cultural Heritage Innovation” and “Fashionable Intangible Cultural Heritage” awards. The “Chinese Double-side Embroidery” collection was curated by the Vietnamese National Museum of History while her “Silk Embroidery” collection was curated by the Korean National Korean Language Museum. The brand’s other collections became collectibles by former President of Costa Rica, Chairman of the Vietnamese Congress, the Vietnam Embassy, and the Egypt Embassy.



趙夢葳 Vivienne Zhao
Guangdong’s Ten Best Designers. Vivienne’s design research direction has always been striving to promote the structural integration of Chinese and Western cultures, working to create designs that fuse traditional craftsmanship with up-to-date trendy elements.
秉承 ” 以当代的审美标准来阐述东方价值”的品牌 理念,并心感受专属于华夏大地的文化、艺术、哲学。
Based on the brand concept of “Elaborating oriental values through contemporary aesthetic standards”, YIZHUO heartily sense the culture, art, and philosophy that are unique to the lands of China.


趙夢葳 Vivienne Zhao

胡浩然 Mikeal Harris VESSYCLUB品牌主理人、唯希服飾總經理、廣東省十佳設計師、廣東省服裝設計師協會理事、中國青年企業家協會成員、中山市服裝協會副會長、CMB國際色彩搭配師
Mikeal Harris, brand manager for VESSYCLUB, working as General Manager of Weixi (Zhongshan) Fashion Company Limited. He is one of Guangdong Ten Best Designers, Director of Guangdong Fashion Designers Association, member of China Youth Entrepreneurs Association, Vice President of Zhongshan Textile Costume Enterprise Association, and a certified CMB international color consultant.
Guangdong’s Ten Best Designers. Vivienne’s design research direction has always been striving to promote the structural integration of Chinese and Western cultures, working to create designs that fuse traditional craftsmanship with up-to-date trendy elements.
VESSYCLUB was founded in 2021. Unconstrained by traditional fashion ideas, the brand focuses on creating fashion design concept that promotes “human behavior research”, working to explore multi-dimensional space and achieving balance between art and reality.

李欣 (Xin Li ),广东十佳服装设计师,在中山莉星服饰有限公司任职CHAOZHUZHANG品牌主理人。负责自有品牌“潮主张”的研发构思,设计审版工作,2022 年慶研发新品 120个款。
One of Guangdong Ten Best Designers. Xin works as the brand manager for fashion brand CHAOZHUZHANG under Zhongshan Lixing Fashion Company Limited. She is responsible for creating design concepts and approval of designs for the brand. In 2022, the brand created over 120 new fashion items.
CHAOZHUZHANG潮主张品牌 创立于拥有26年牛仔行业经验的中山莉星服饰有限公司。品牌全力为消费者打造一个环保低碳、与众不同的时尚丹宁品牌。
CHAOZHUZHANG is a fashion brand created by Zhongshan Lixing Fashion Company Limited¸ which has 26 years of denim fashion experience. The brand focuses on creating denim fashion that is unique and yet environmental and low carbon emission friendly.