澳門服裝節2022 系列活動之“大灣區服裝院校新秀作品展”
Macao Fashion Festival 2022 Event: ” Fashion Collection Exhibition by Talent Designers from Greater Bay Area Fashion Institutes”

澳門生產力暨科技轉移中心與香港Fashion Farm Foundation (FFF)攜手合作,彚結大灣區城市設計院校學生作品,讓大眾感受設計新力軍蘊藏的無窮潛力,同時推動本澳與大灣區服裝設計平台的交流和合作,從而培育富有潛力,具有創新思維的設計人才。
Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Center (CPTTM) has joined hands with Fashion Farm Foundation (FFF) of Hong Kong to co-organize the event. Collections created by students from design institutes in the Greater Bay Area will be on display, allowing the public to appreciate the boundless potentials of these talent designers. The event also aims to promote interaction and cooperation amongst Greater Bay Area fashion design platforms, helping to nurture design talents with great potentials and innovative design ideas.
Fifteen collections created by talent designers from six fashion design institutes, including School of Fashion and Textiles of Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Design Institute, Design School Shenzhen Polytechnic, College of Design of Beijing Normal University Zhuhai Campus, and CPTTM Diploma in Fashion Design & Manufacture Programme (in no particular order) will participate in the event.
Through this exhibition, the organizers hope to break the geographic boundaries of fashion design in the Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao areas, helping to deepen the connection between cities as well as increase the public’s awareness and participation in Greater Bay Area fashion industry. It will be a useful step to promote innovative exploration of synergetic development between the Macao fashion industry and the Greater Bay Area creative industry.