MaConsef 2016女裝春夏系列
MaConsef 2016春夏女裝系列的主題為辦公室狂想曲。以繁華都市為背景,幻想都市人生活繁忙,早上匆忙上班,衣衫凌亂、衣領錯反;工作時睡眼惺忪,公文袋倒置使用,萬字夾夾在衣服上;下班後都市人精神煥發,準備狂歡,上班服搖身一變為性感兼具氣質的派對小禮服,宴會中人臉側影交錯﹑手影重重,迷離夢幻的感覺使人進入狂想的世界中。
整個主題以三個系列服飾貫徹,系列一﹕兼具個性的休閒服。布料選用天然舒適的麻棉材質,設計上採用公文袋﹑各式衣領、鈕門等元素;系列二﹕ 具強烈時代感的上班服,服裝剪裁上沉實而端莊,細節中運用有趣的手形、閉合的眼睛及人臉側面剪影等素材,為沉悶的上班服帶來生氣。系列三﹕性感優雅小禮服,以高貴的婚紗緞材質制作,設計匯集以上兩個系列的元素,造形優雅獨特,並揉合鐳射切割及繡花圖案,展現女性的迷人一面。
MaConsef 2016 S/S Collection
The theme of the MaConsef 2016 S/S Collection is Office Fantasy. In the bustling city, a fantasy involving busy urbanites is unravelling. People rush to work every morning in scruffy clothes with upturned collars. They work with sleepy eyes, turning envelops upside down, and draping paper clips from their clothes. Yet, at the very instance that they go off work, high spirit returns and they are ready to party all night. They shed their office wear for sexy yet classy party dressers, dancing and prancing around in the party, waving hands with every familiar or unfamiliar face, submerging themselves into a fantasy world of hallucinated delights.
The collection has three series. The first series is made up of casual wear high on individualism. Comfy natural fabrics such as linen and cotton are used, garnished with emblems of envelopes, collars, and buttonholes. Series 2 displays a fiercely trendy set of office wear. Cutting is sensible yet gracious, embellished with trinkets of waving hands, dreary eyes, and face silhouettes, spiking cheerfulness into the otherwise dull office wear. The final series is the sexy classy party dresses. Elegant satin usually reserved for wedding dresses are used while decorative elements from the last two series are affixed to create a unique yet amusing sense of elegance. The laser-cu patterns and embroideries introduced a splash of feminine charms into the collection.
MaConsef 2015設計組‧MaConsef 2015 Design Team
吳婉婷 Maecenas Ng
吳婉婷熱衷於創作及制作過程,具廣告學士學位的她,於二零一三年修畢澳門生產力暨科技轉移中心的時裝設計及製作文憑課程,並以作品〈夢迷離〉獲得畢業表演第一名,畢業後即獲中心邀請加入“CPTTM時裝孵化計劃 (MaConsef)”。
Maecenas is passionate about the process of creation and production. With a Bachelor Degree in Advertising, Maecenas graduated from CPTTM Diploma Program in Fashion Design and Manufacture in 2013. Her collection won 1st Overall Winner in the Graduation Show. She was immediately invited to join the CPTTM fashion incubator program (MaConsef) after graduation.
李惠晶 Ella Lei
曾任職美術動畫設計師四年,現為自由設計師。多次參與澳門藝術文化活動及展覽。於二零一三年修畢澳門生產力暨科技轉移中心的時裝設計及製作文憑課程,以作品「The Sound of City」獲得畢業表演第二名,最佳色彩配搭獎及新濠天地時尚風格大獎,隨後獲邀加入“CPTTM時裝孵化計劃 (MaConsef)”。熱愛插畫與時裝設計,現正積極參與各類展覽與時裝活動,並籌備個人時裝品牌發展。
Ella worked as art and animation designer for four years. She is now a freelance designer. She participated in many art and cultural events or exhibitions in Macao. Ella graduated from CPTTM Diploma Program in Fashion Design and Manufacture in 2013. Her collection won 2nd Overall Winner, Best Color Coordination Award, and the City of Dreams Grand Trendy Award in the Graduation Show. She was invited to join the CPTTM fashion incubator program (MaConsef). Ella loves doing illustrations and fashion design. She is currently actively participating in various fashion exhibitions and events, working on developing her personal fashion label.
黃敏儀 Connie Wong
黃敏儀畢業於澳門理工學院的「空間展示設計」學士學位,在婚禮設計公司擔任視覺設計師。於二零一三年修畢澳門生產力暨科技轉移中心的時裝設計及製作文憑課程其後獲邀請加入“CPTTM時裝孵化計劃 (MaConsef)”。熱衷時裝設計,希望能夠把學會的設計知識放到時裝裡。
Connie graduated with a Bachelor Degree in Spatial and Exhibition Design from Macao Polytechnic Institute. She is working as visual designer in a wedding design company. Connie graduated from CPTTM Diploma Program in Fashion Design and Manufacture in 2013 and was invited to join the CPTTM fashion incubator program (MaConsef). Connie is passionate about fashion design, hopes to be able to put her spatial design knowledge into fashion.
丁莉 Iris Teng
丁莉為手工藝創作人,於二零一二年創立其手作品牌「Heartmade Macau」。現正開展個人設計的婚飾品牌。丁莉於二零一四年修畢澳門生產力暨科技轉移中心的「時裝設計及製作文憑課程」,以作品<雲中 輕舞>獲得畢業表演冠軍。隨後獲邀請加入「CPTTM時裝孵化計劃」。
Iris is a handicraft creator. She established her handicraft brand “Heartmade Macau” in 2012 and is now developing her wedding accessories brand. Iris completed the CPTTM Diploma Program in Fashion Design and Manufacturing in 2014. Her collection received the 1st Overall Winner Award in the Graduation Show. She was invited by CPTTM to join the MaConsef fashion incubation program after her graduation.
梁穎嫻 Hana Leong
澳門平面設計師及時裝設計師。二零一四年年創立設計品牌Quirey Design,主為服裝創作及製作。設計風格多變,簡樸中帶點小浮誇,一直以來的設計理念是以最獨特的獻給世上唯一的您,每款衣服不是大量生產,只製作一件適合客戶尺寸的,務求達致每件衣服都是獨一無二的。
Hana is a graphic and fashion designer in Macao. She established her own design label “Quirey Design” in 2014, designing and making fashion for clients. Her design style is versatile, prefers to put a dash of extravagancy into a contrastingly simple designs. Hana creates unique design concept for each client. Each piece is made to the specifications and size of a client, never mass produced, ensuring that the client receives clothes that are always one of a kind.
林偉森 Vik Lam
Vik loves painting, designing, and handicraft creation since he was a child. By chance, Vik made friend with a group of outstanding Macao artists and painting aficionados in 2011, starting his journey on oil painting since. In 2013, Vik participated in “CTM Walks for Millions Sportswear Design Competition” and won an Excellence Award. In the same year, he graduated from the CPTTM Diploma Program in Fashion Design and Manufacturing and his collection received the 3rd Overall Winner Award in the Graduation Show.
第一系列 (設計師:林偉森, 黃敏儀)
Series I (Designers: Vik LAM, Connie WONG)
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第二系列 (設計師 李惠晶, 梁穎嫻)
Series II (Designers: Ella LEI, Hana LEONG)
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第三系列 (設計師 吳婉婷, 丁莉)
Series III (Designers: Maecenas NG, Iris TENG)
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