Fashion Parade of the 2013 Subsidy Programe for Fashion Design on Sample Making
參與設計師 Participating Designers
李穎雯 Karue Lei 個人簡介 Personal Profile 李穎雯是一個富有創意、進取和靈活的個人,懂得結合想像力及藝術能力, 並採取條理和商業手法。她的工作細緻、認真,以確保在任何時間都能提高標準的成品。
無論在工作、生涯規劃還是生活上,她總是保持進取的態度,以確保她的競爭優勢。她的志向是在獲得足夠經驗後,施展自己的才華,成立自己的設計公司。 Karus is a creative, enterprising, and versatile individual who
Karus utilize her creative abilities as well as her artistic talent
鄭志達 Vincent Cheang 個人簡介 Personal Profile ﹣1970年出生於澳門 – 2005年創辦XL CREATION娛樂製作公司及出任澳門生產力暨科技轉移中心設計及插圖科導師 – 1970 – born in Macau – 2005 – founded XL CREATION (entertainment and production 品牌簡介 Brand Profile 《WORKER PLAYGROUND》為個性服飾品牌,以舊澳門工人球場此集體回憶為概念而命名。口號為 “BE TRUE TO YOUR
《WORKER PLAYGROUND》將澳門獨有的文化融入潮流文化,不論人物及事物,團隊都可以將之打造成公司產品的獨有的潮流元素,將新舊元素融匯,取其精髓,創造出獨一無二的澳門潮流品牌。 Worker Playground is an individualistic fashion brand. The Worker Playground integrates unique cultures of Macau into its fashion styles. The crew skillfully blends signature character or matter into the company’s products to create their exclusive trendy elements. Worker Playground merges old and new design elements to create a “one of a kind” local trendy brand. |
韋展尚 Wai Chin Seong 個人簡介 Personal Profile 2008-2010年間就讀於台灣高雄實踐大學服裝設計與經營學系,2012年畢業於ESMOD Beijing,在學期間作品曾獲奬及多次展出。回澳後在C – SHOP任職並於2013年與MO-Design合作設計MOOM成衣系列。
2013年參加澳門時裝設計樣版製作補助計劃並入選8强。作品於香港FFF Fashion Farm Foundation展覽。2013年11 月畢業作品O – LALA 於MFL展演。2014年參與電影《Timing》之拍攝,並擔任服裝及形象指導。 During 2008-2010, studied Fashion Design and Merchandising in Shih Chien In the same year, Chin-Seong was selected into the Cultural Affairs 品牌簡介 Brand Profile POURQUOI 意為法語裡“為什麼” 的意思。這個品牌設計意念就是一個待人解答的疑問號,設計創新、好玩、有意思的服裝,讓人有像孩子般永不落空的驚喜。 POURQUOI is “why” in French. Keep asking why is what young children would do all the time. This is the design philosophy behind the fashion label: inquisitive, creative, fun-loving, and always seeking new meanings in life. The designer hopes to bring young children’s sense of non-stop exploration and continuously finding new surprises into her fashion label. |
陳慧珍 Jane Chan 個人簡介 Personal Profile 北京服裝學院服裝設計系學士。
2013年,個人系列 “BOM DIA MACAU” 入選澳門文化局 “時裝設計樣版製作補助計劃”。
Bachelor’s degree in Fashion Design from Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology.
During 2010-2013 worked as fashion designer at Peak-Performance Sport In 2010, Jane designed torchbearer uniform for the 7th National Intercity Games of the People’s Republic of China.
品牌簡介 Brand Profile “BOM DIA MACAU” 是一個戶外休閒男裝系列,一句”早安”作為對世界的問候,帶著希望與夢想,以輕便舒適的品質溫暖人心。
李明新 San Lee 個人簡介 Personal Profile 畢業於澳門理工學院綜合設計學系,2007-2008年修讀澳門生產力暨科技轉移中心時裝設計及製作文憑課程。其後積極參與時裝活動及展覽,於2009年至2012年獲生產力暨科技轉移中心邀請加入MaConsef時裝設計孵化計劃,負責服裝設計及圖案設計。
2009年創立時裝品牌「ZICS」,不定期發表設計系列。設計者享受過著平面/ 室內/ 時裝設計的生活。
In 2009, San created his own fashion label, ‘Z I C S’, putting out new collections on a non-regular basis. San enjoys his busy life as graphic / interior / fashion designer. 品牌簡介 Brand Profile
「Z I C S」於2009年創立,設計師從黑灰白的世界中,發掘具實驗味道的主題,設計出中性型格的服裝系列,探索不對稱及層次的可能性。服裝系列作品曾於「澳門服裝節」、「澳門時裝領薈」、「澳門時尚廊」及「香港時裝節」等展示。
「Z I C S」亦嘗試在不同的服裝設計範疇創作,包括舞台服裝及配飾等。
‘Z I C S’ was created in 2009. ‘Z I C S’ experimented with fashion ‘Z I C S’ also dappled into other fashion areas including costume design and accessory design.
譚志傑 Gideon Tam 個人簡介 Personal Profile KC Gideon出生於澳門一個針織之家,由於受家庭的影響,他自小就對時裝有著特別的熱愛,十六歲時前往英國生活,其後在著名的金斯頓大學 (Kingston University)主修設計,為他的時裝夢想奠下基礎。在2001年以一級榮譽學士畢業後,他的才華與實力使他先後獲得法國和英國幾家高級時裝公司工作的寶貴機會。 KC Gideon was born of a knitting family in Macau. Influenced by his family, he was especially fond of fashion since he was very young. KC Gideon headed for the Britain when he was sixteen, subsequently majored in design in famous Kingston University, which laid foundation for his fashion dreams. After he graduated with a first calss honor in 2001, his talent and ability brought him precious opportunities to work in several advanced fashion comanies from Franc and Britain. 品牌簡介 Brand Profile In 2006,KC set up personal brand in London of Britain, which mainly focus |
鄭敏靜 Chantelle Cheang 個人簡介 Personal Profile 畢業於澳門理工學院綜合設計學系,曾於中學時期修讀生產力暨轉移中心時裝設計及描繪課程。 大學畢業後到香港繼續進修影視美術,服裝造型等科目。酷愛禮服設計,影視美術及服飾設計。 多次擔任本地,內地及香港的電視廣告、電影美術和服裝。 現職為禮服設計師、電影及電視廣告美術及服裝師。 Chantelle graduated from School of Arts in Design in Macao Polytechnic Institute and took the courses of Fashion Design and Fashion Illustration in CPTTM during high school. She went to Hong Kong to further study Visual Venues Arts and Garment Design after graduation. Fell deeply in love with formal dress, film arts, and fashion accessories. She worked in the area of production and garment design for TV commercials and films of Macao, Mainland China and Hong Kong. Currently working as production designer and formal dress designer for films and TV commercials. 品牌簡介 Brand Profile 盼望每一件作品也包含著愛與祝福為本品牌的意念 。
公司於2012年成立, 主要設計及製作婚紗禮服,派對服飾及演出服,作品著重刻劃女性曲線線條特點。
She expects that every piece of garments can bring out the message of love and blessing, which is also the design concept of this brand. The company was established in 2012. It specializes in designing and producing wedding dresses, party apparels and stage costumes. The brand portrays female beauty by highlighting the curvaceous feminine silhouette. |